Hi ,
If you've been following me for awhile, or if you've just read one or two of my blog posts, I hope you've noticed the dedication I put forward to bring you the most awesome content possible.
I put a TON
of work into my blog and my newsletters, and I even try to answer all of your emails and social media notices, with the goal of helping you become a better, more proficient and more confident photographer.
If you could spend a few minutes today or
this weekend
answering a few simple questions and let me know if my blog, books/eBooks or newsletters have helped you with your photography in any way, I'd really appreciate it.
In exchange for your time, I'll even give you a special 33% off discount link for my Outdoor Photography Essentials
online video course.
I want to make sure I'm giving you the best educational and inspirational material possible. Your answers will help me tailor my content so I can continue to bring you useful information that helps you in your journey with photography.
Thanks again for being a loyal email subscriber, I always appreciate hearing from my readers, so thanks in advance for any feedback you
Have a great weekend!
Best regards,