Get out of a creative rut with these ideas.

Published: Tue, 02/14/17


We all fall into creative ruts. It happens to everyone. Even me.

We might discover a really cool new photography technique, and then we practice it until it feels like second nature and use it to create some very compelling imagery.

However, if you use it enough, eventually that one gets old too.

Maybe you find that your imagery all starts to look a little too similar in style.

Maybe it's just that when you learn a new technique, you become more aware of how it's being used by other photographers. You suddenly notice all the photos on Instagram and Facebook that look a lot like yours.

Suddenly you're back where you started...

You Need Some New Ideas. Here are 3 Ways to Jump Start Your Photographic Creativity

1. Get Up Early
Photography is all about the… class?… Bueller?… C’mon, you know this one. It’s all about the light.

The is the easiest one. Put yourself in awesome light and you have the potential to make awesome photographs. Want to be inspired?

Get your butt out of bed and drag it out into the world in the pre-dawn hours so that you can experience those rays of gold, pink, yellow, purple, magenta and red that will make your images sing. Or stay out there and miss dinner. Munch on a couple of energy bars and eat the family leftovers when you get home. I promise it will be worth it.
2. Shoot While Lying on the Ground
Varying your vantage point is one of the best ways to break out of your rut.

Think about this: 99.9999% of the photos taken in the world are shot from a vantage point of between 5’4″ and 6″ above the ground, looking straight ahead. Get away from that and you’re well on your way to creating something original. 

Extra credit - Instead of lying on the ground, climb up, stand on top of something and look down.
3. Shoot With The Lens You Use Least
For me, it’s my 50mm-style normal lens. I know I keep talking about how much I’ve grown to love my nifty fifty over the years, but the truth is that it’s still my least used lens, so every time I pull it out of the bag, it inherently makes me see things a little differently. 

What lens do you use the least? Is there a particular lens you haven't used in awhile? Take that one out for a spin and see if it sparks any new ideas.
Read my post 20 Ways to Jump Start Your Photographic Creativity and get 17 more techniques you can stuff into your bag of tricks; techniques that will help you become a better photographer. 

Remember, though. It's all about practice. 

Nothing beats getting outside with your camera, looking through the lens and pressing the shutter button.
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Dan Bailey
I hope you have a great week!
Dan Bailey