Master Your Fujifilm camera with my X SERIES UNLIMITED eBook

Published: Mon, 07/17/17

Hi ,

I'm so excited to let you know that my X SERIES UNLIMITED eBook is finally here!! 

As one of my subscribers, you're the one of the first ones to know about this brand new book, which I consider to be The Definitive Guide for Fujifilm shooters. I even have a special introductory price for you well! If you're not a Fujifilm shooter, then please excuse this email. If you have questions about the Fuji system, don't hesitate to ask!

This comprehensive 329-page guide will teach you eventing you need to know in order order to gain mastery with your Fuji and help you achieve maximum performance from your camera and total creative liberation with your photography.

I meet a lot of X Series users who are super excited about the gear, but who don’t know even a fraction of what their camera can do. This is not surprising, and it’s certainly no comment on them as intelligent or competent shooters.

For as clean and classic as they are on the outside, when you dig deep, you find that there is an astounding set of features tucked away inside all of the X Series models. And while the manual explains every single feature, it doesn't really tell you how to use these features in real life shooting situations

That's where I come in.

Having shot with the X Series cameras for nearly six years and worked closely with the FUJIFILM tech reps and product managers, and having taught numerous Fuji-specific workshops and classes, I know these cameras inside and out.

I know how they function out in the world and I've tested them with a wide range of subject matter in extremely challenging conditions, environments and shooting situations. In fact, I shot this photo the other night, using a few of the specific techniques I cover in the book.

​​​​​​​Inside this guide, I cover every single feature, every single menu item and function and, more importantly, I tell you (and show you with imagery) exactly how you can use these features in real life shooting situations.

It's not just for the X-T2, it's for EVERY SINGLE MODEL. Most of the features found on the FUJIFILM camera are common to all the models, even older cameras like the X-E1 and the original X100. You won't find every feature on those first-generation models, but you'll find most of them, and certainly enough to help you make great pictures!

I resisted writing a manual like this, but after giving an Advanced X Series class at Glazer’s Camera in Seattle, where the questions never stopped coming from the full classroom of attendees, I decided it was time for me to write a full-length, advanced X Series book and pick up where my original FUJIFILM Tips and Tricks Guide left off.  

I've helped many photographers get the most from their X Series cameras, both online, and in person at workshops, classes, trade shows and in-store events. I've explained countless features in great detail, helped people set up and optimize their cameras, solve problems and troubleshoot common, and sometimes, uncommon issues. 

Between my X Series knowledge, my experience and my genuine passion for sharing my photography insight with others, I'm confident I can help you get the most from your Fuji camera, no matter what kinds of subjects you like to shoot.

If you take the time and learn to master even a few of these features, you'll be able to take the technical and creative aspects of your photography to a new level of proficiency.

Let X SERIES UNLIMITED take you there. 

I know you're going to love this book and I hope it helps you enjoy the kind of technical mastery and creative liberation I experience with my photography. 

Dan Bailey
Thanks so much and best regards!
Dan Bailey