Hi ,
One of the first things we learn as photographers is that the camera sensor simply cannot match the tonal range that our eyes and brain can recognize. No camera can render accurate detail in both the extremely highlights and the darkest shadows at the same time.
For that reason, I'm going to share with you an encompassing exposure rule that can help you navigate these limitations when you're out shooting, especially you're faced with tricky and challenging light. Here it is:
You BRIGHTEST SUBJECT MATTER and your MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT MATTER must be IN THE SAME LIGHT, or else you'll have too much contrast.
In my most recent video lesson, I show you four possible ways to apply this rule to your own shooting, and teach you the most important decisions you need to make in order to get the most dynamic and exciting exposure for your scene.
As you'll see, in most cases, the most factors towards getting a good exposure are determined more on your own decision making rather than on camera technique.