I've been thinking about this a lot lately. There's no question that we live in a very odd world right now. There are so many things that just don't seem right, and we're constantly bombarded by messaging and events that seems to drag us down as a society.
This hurts us at our core and it hurts us as a civilization. And while I don't pretend to have all the answers for how we can fix everything, I do have an idea that I think has some merit.
I know that this might sound a little simplistic, but hear me out.
Many studies have shown that being creative on a regular basis can help do all the following:
- Lower stress levels
- Lower depression and elevate feelings of well being
- Increase our problem solving abilities
- Allowing us to "think outside the box"
- Be more curious about the world
And, Being Creative Makes You Happy.
Kurt Vonnegut said that “practicing any art, no matter how badly, makes the soul grow.”
Although I can't understand all of the factors that leave some people feeling frustrated, angry or destructive, I do know that being creative helps contribute to our sense of purpose in life. The more any of us engage our creative brains, the better we feel. And when we're lost in the creative process, we're not thinking about how angry or frustrated we are about things that we can't necessarily fix in the short term.
And that doesn't even take into account all of the possible benefits that a single person's creativity can bring to the
I know that I have an infectious love for photography and I enjoy using my passion to help inspire you guys. I don't just want to make you better photographers, I want to help you love photography even more. My thought is that the more people find happiness with their creativity, the
better our world will be.
With that in mind, I want to ask you to help me with this. Be a catalyst for creativity within your own life. Spread the love. Help inspire or encourage other people in your own circles to be more creative and see what happens in the long run.