Hi ,
In this video, I document my experiences flying around the mountains and shooting aerial photos out the open window of my 1947 Cessna 120 in the middle of winter. The footage is accompanied with original music I wrote and recorded specifically for this project.
Shot during two flights last week, when it was very cold, I take you along with me as I preheat the engine, prep and preflight the plane, and then go on a 90 minute flight over the Chugach Mountains at sunset.
I've wanted to make a video like this for years, so that I can share the magic of what it's like to soar around this magnificent scenery at sunset. I want you to see that gorgeous pink light bathe these mountains and glaciers from up close.
This film gives you a first person look at exactly what I see when I’m up there, flying around with the window open, shooting aerials and chasing that magical pink alpenglow.
I hope you enjoy it!