Updated Link for Anne McKinnell's eBook Bundle

Published: Wed, 09/25/13

Updated Link for Anne McKinnell's eBook Bundle
Dear, -- I emailed you earlier today to let you know that I had just released my brand new eBook, ZEN PHOTOGRAPHER: Turning Your Passion into Focus. If you missed the email, you can check out the book here.

I also, told you about a generous deal that my friend Anne McKinnell had extended exclusively to my newsletter subscribers. She released her latest eBook today as well. It's called The Compelling Photograph: Techniques for Creating Better Images, Book 2.

However, during the time I sent the email and the time that Anne went live with her new book, a change was made in the link code. Some of you contacted me and let me know that you were unable to grab the bundle at the $14.99 price.

It's fixed now. Her new book,  The Compelling Photograph: Book 2 is still priced at 40% off, with the special coupon code that she gave me. This brings it down to only $5.99. Or, you can get both Book 1 and Book 2 as a bundle for only $14.99

Just click here to order Anne's books, and sure and use discount code danbailey25 in your shopping cart to get the savings for her book.

Remember, this offer is only good for a week, through midnight on October 2. After that it goes back to full price.

If you bought them earlier today and had no problem getting the correct pricing, you can disregard the email. Enjoy your new ebooks, Anne and I thank you very much for your support!

Dan Bailey
Best regards,
Dan Bailey