Three Upcoming Events - Scotland, Seattle and Austin

Published: Mon, 05/01/17

May 2, 2017View in browser

The bikes are packed and I'm on my way to Scotland! Currently in the middle of Layover #1, I wanted the let you know that I have three confirmed dates for my upcoming events.

Edinburgh Photo Hike - Sunday, May 21

Near the end of our trip, I'll be co-leading a photo hike up Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh. This is being organized by my friend and Colleague Lauren MacNeish. Lauren works for Smugmug, and since I'm a Smugmug user

Glazer's Photo Expo, Seattle - June 10-11

I'll be presenting on both Saturday and Sunday at the 2017 Glazer's Camera Photo Expo in Seattle. I'm giving two different talks, so check the link below to see the schedule. I'll also be hanging out at the Fujifilm booth, so if you're in Seattle that weekend, come say hi!

Precision Camera Photo and Video Expo, Austin - June 2-3

I'll be a special guest at the Precision Camera Expo that weekend, and I may be giving a talk as well. The schedule isn't set yet, but I'll keep you posted as soon as get details. Again, if you're in Austin that weekend p, I'd love to meet you!

Ok, that all for now. Time to catch my next plane. I hear the weather is great in Scotland right now, so... Yea!!!!

Take care and have a great May.



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