New Photos and a Newly Updated eBook Coming Soon!
Published: Thu, 09/30/21
Hi, Happy Fall to all of you Northern Hemisphere people! And of course, happy Spring, if you live below the Equator. Either way, this time of year is…
Daniel H. Bailey Photography Blog Newsletter
Published: Thu, 09/30/21
Hi, Happy Fall to all of you Northern Hemisphere people! And of course, happy Spring, if you live below the Equator. Either way, this time of year is…
Published: Tue, 09/14/21
Hi, If you've followed my recent videos and blog posts, then then you've seen how much fun I've been having shooting closeups of flowers in my garden.
Published: Tue, 08/24/21
Hi, Rainy weather and a slight shoulder sprain has left me a little bit less active than I was earlier in the summer, but sometimes a little downtime…
Published: Mon, 07/19/21
Hi, I hope you're having a great summer so far. Here in Alaska, the weather has been pretty darn awesome, so I've spent much of the time shooting…
Published: Fri, 06/18/21
Hi, Recently one of my friends turned me onto a podcast called 60 Songs that E plain ’90s, and I quickly became hooked! The host, Rob Harvilla does an…
Published: Fri, 05/21/21
Hi, I've got a special treat for you today: One of my e clusive Photography On The Brain lessons for free. In this tutorial, I talk about the concept…
Published: Thu, 05/20/21
Hi, Much like I do with my photography blog, I thought it would be fun to break down my songs and give you insight about how they were created. In my…
Published: Sun, 05/16/21
Hi, Earlier this week, I posted my latest music video for my original song "Can't Look Past Ourselves," which has a ripping guitar solo. Today, we go…
Published: Fri, 05/14/21
Hi, Earlier this week, I posted my latest music video for my original song "Can't Look Past Ourselves," which has a ripping guitar solo. Today, we go…
Published: Mon, 05/10/21
Hi, As a teen of the 80s, music videos are burned into my soul. So, with today's cameras and video technology, it's inevitable that I would eventually…